Monday, April 21, 2014

4 Things Men Naturally Do That Make Them Good Property Managers

Property managers are responsible for providing services that keep the physical building, and the environment within it, functioning effectively. Women have started to dominate the roles of property managers within the last decade, yet men can be just as effective in the role. If you’re looking to increase the value of your property, heighten tenant satisfaction rates, and achieve profitability, consider the following four natural abilities of men that makes them an asset to property management.

Returning to Sterling Cooper, "Mad Men" premier

Men Don’t Take Things Personally
Issues often arise in any workplace or residential community, and it’s important to have someone who can effectively resolve them without being defensive. Men can accept criticism without worrying how it affects them personally, and can easily adjust their actions to satisfy both tenant and building owners. Men are not influenced by emotion, and can focus better on the task at hand rather than being swayed by the dramatics of a situation.

Men Are No-nonsense
It’s been scientifically proven that men are able to focus better than their female counterparts. This is ideal for a business owner who is considering hiring a male property manager, as focus is an important characteristic for success. This focus allows men to complete tasks in a timely fashion. Also, men can easily counter aggression when faced with it, so they are less likely to be taken advantage of. Tenants and contractors will be more straightforward with their requests, as they know little bargaining will be accepted.

Men Are Naturally Competitive
A property manager is expected to keep the building in excellent condition and help bring new tenants into your building. Since they are competitive by nature, men will want to negotiate bids among several contractors and be sure they are getting the best price. Also, as a business owner, you will want someone who makes your property better than the one down the street. Men’s competitiveness will ensure that your property is in line with others in your market or exceeding expectations, which in turn benefits your overall investment.

Men Think Analytically
While women tend to be better planners, men are thinkers. They process informations linearly, and focus on the rules of how something works. This is great for a property manager because the job requires work in several different areas. From regular building maintenance to financial management, men can think in terms of process and tasks, and can efficiently maintain the quality and functionality of your property.

Putting your property in the hands of a male property manager can assure smooth daily operations and cost effectiveness for your investment. Offering a no-frills and no nonsense approach to getting the job done, the business services offered by male property managers will secure your property’s spot in an increasingly competitive market.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hiring a Female Property Manger? It’s Only Natural!

Women have natural qualifications that can lead to increased tenant satisfaction, higher profits, and added value to your property. Why?

Women Know How To Listen
Communication is essential in the business world. It requires not only being able to effectively express your ideas and opinions, but also how to listen. When trying to decipher the needs of a building, tenants are more inclined to take their problems to a female. As opposed to their male counterparts, women are proven to be better listeners, and therefore can more easily address the needs of the building.

Women Express Empathy
The fact that women can better understand a situation that may be rough for a tenant or a property owner helps to build trust. Women property managers can strengthen the bond between owner and tenant. Call it motherly instinct, but woman want to take care of people and their situations and provide the best outcome for all parties.

Women Are Natural Born Multi-taskers
Many working women also balance household duties and family obligations. Multitasking is an ingrained ability in women that is an asset to a property manager. The daily job duties of a property manager can vary greatly, and it’s important that they are carried out completely. A successful property manager will prioritize, but make it seem as if everything is equally important on her task list. Women have a natural tendency to balance loads of information and process it effectively.

Women Can Resolve Conflict
Conflict resolution is a must have quality for any property manager. Much like the ability to multitask, women are born with a sense of conflict resolution that is ideal for the types of situations you may experience with your commercial property. From finding window cleaning services and dealing with other maintenance related issues, to tenant complaints and inquiries, the possibility for problems to arise is quite high. You’ll need a property manager who boasts resolution experience, and a woman fits this description perfectly. Chances are, after she’s sealed you investment and helped it see another day, she’ll return home to her family and start a different type of conflict resolution.

Investing in the business services of a female property manager will secure your investment in your property and help it to be the best that it can.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Understanding The Window Cleaning Standard

alliance window cleaning
You know how there are rules to any game?  What happens when the players don't know the rules of the game?  The few who know the rules will outscore those who know less.  Now, what if fouls were called and it sounded like *ka-ching*?  That is not fun at all.

I am talking about safety codes and standards that apply to exterior building maintenance, particularly window cleaning.  There is such a standard that both the building owners and their representatives and the window cleaning contractor have to be guided by.

Aside from a purchased copy of this standard and the safety codes available in the OSHA website, there really isn't anything out there that will make "this game" easily understandable to property managers and building owners.

Follow this link on our take on simplifying the window cleaning standard. Perhaps it will be a first step to more well-informed decision makers.

high rise window cleaning los angelesA responsible window cleaning company will be in compliance with the ANSI/IWCA I-14.1 Window Cleaning Safety Standard.  Although not legally enforced by the law, compliance to the standard is a step forward in meeting applicable federal, state, and local regulations.

There will be more answers than questions if we ask the right ones.  Feel free to reach out to us if you simply have questions regarding this standard.  We will help you find the right answers and happy to be an additional resource for you in maintaining your facilities.